Concerned CatholicS
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Why have our Catholic Churches turned into auditoriums replacing the Reverence we had prior to1964?
What created all these changes from our original mass?
Where did they come from, the Holy Spirit or from the evil forces of the devil?

After two years of Research, reading online and offline, watching videos I have found the answer,

In order for the Elite (Satanists) to have their one world govt they needed a one world religion. All churches the same.
To do that they needed to destroy the Catholic church and bring in protestant ways.

There has been a 100 year plan to destroy the Catholic church from within.

It is a well known and documented fact that the agents of Communism began entering our
Catholic seminaries as far back as the 30s for the purpose of destroying the Church from within.
Over a thousand such agents had infiltrated the seminaries prior to 1940
Our priests have been indoctrinated with false teachings.

Vatican II religion is not the Catholic religion. False church dwelling within the Bride of Christ

"With every passing day now, more confusion rains down on souls as they struggle to make heads or tails of all the changes that have made the conciliar church, formed at Vatican 2, totally unrecognizable to Catholicism, infiltrated with doctrines of Freemasonry, Protestantism, Liberalism, Pluralism, Indifferentism, Atheism, Paganism and Modernism in general. According to Pope St. Pius X “Modernism is the synthesis of all heresies”.

(The New Order sect, also known as the New church of the
New Order, founded on November 21, 1964, is to be substituted for the Catholic"

"A Freemason presbyter (Anibale Bugnini),
who wrote a New Ordinal based upon Protestant theology. Instead of
ordaining priests "to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the living and the
dead," as the traditional Catholic Ordinal does (whether the ordination took place
before or after the Vatican II Anti-council of 1962-1965), the New Ordinal
merely "installs" presbyters (ministers) "to preside over the assembly of the
people" using the invalid Novus Ordo service. In essence, these presbyters are
Protestant ministers. They are not priests"
This is our new mass.

Novus Ordo
is short for Novus Ordo Missae, which literally means the "new order of the Mass" or the "new ordinary of the Mass."

"The New Order sect is Protestant, not Catholic, and true Catholics
are bound to stay away from it entirely.
The New Order sect differs in liturgy, doctrine, and morals from the Catholic and
Apostolic Faith of two millennia. New Order institutions and clergy call
themselves "Catholic," but that statement is false. No Catholic can have any part
in religious matters with the New Order sect or its clergy, whatever they call
themselves, even if they were ordained before 1968, just as one cannot have any
part in religious matters with the Eastern Orthodox schismatic priests and
Protestant ministers. Moreover, the experience of the last sixty years
demonstrates clearly that anyone who tries to compromise in any way with the
New Order sect becomes part of the Modernist heresy."

"The New Order service is no more a "Mass" than a Protestant service, after
which it is fabricated. Nor is "reverence" a criterion. The Methodists are
quite reverent, yet no true Catholic would go to their service."


"In his time of confusion in the teaching of the Church we must hold fast to the unchangeable teaching of the Tradition of the Church,
 believing what the Church has always believed and taught "in the same meaning and the same words,"
 not changing one iota to the right or to the left, for falling from the faith on one side or the other is still falling from
 the true Faith, "without which [Faith] no one ever was justified!" (Council of Trent, Dz 799).

Let us pray that Our Lord Jesus Christ may give them the light to see and the grace to accept the age-old teaching
of our holy Mother the Church by her Popes, Fathers, Doctors and Saints, and that, correcting themselves,
 they may serve the Church rather than change her doctrine."

In Simple lay mans terms. The present day mass is a protestant service.
The catechism was changed by the modernists.
Most of our priests no longer teach the true faith.

Have you noticed most all start their homily's with something to get a laugh?
They don't speak from the pulpit,
They walk back and forth in front of the people.
When is the last time your heard the words Hell, Mortal Sin?
When is the last time you have heard a sermon explaining the ten commandments?

They tell stories.
I think our present day priests are taught to entertain so as to keep people coming back.
I have been told by two former priests they were told by their Bishops to tone down their sermons
 or it would scare the liberals away and the collection box would suffer.
Now they have little children being exploited coming to the front adding more money to the collection box.
In some of my reading, it is said it is a mortal sin to come to this mass and take communion and to support it.

I have also read ,many priests and Bishops are going to hell and taking a lot of people with them.
It is still a sacrilege for anyone other than a priest to touch the Eucharist, but watch how many people take communion in the hand.
Look at how our churches have become like auditoriums.

      "Catholic Church's are consecrated spaces reserved for worship and prayer"
       Have people forgot what consecrated means?


We are all called to learn the truth. Our souls may depend on it.
Reverence in Church
Communion, Hand or Tongue. Allowed or Sacrilege?  Explaining the faith,

Holy Communion on the Tongue – Promises of Jesus
Lifing Hands in Prayer at Mass

Catholic Moral Dress Code
Fifteen Things that Need to Stop Happening at Mass
Dr. Taylor Marshall  ( Who can touch the sacred vessels)
What Happened to the Catholic Church?
 The Hour is Late: Time to face uncomfortable questions.
The New Mass

Vatican II religion is not the Catholic religion. False church dwelling within the Bride of Christ

Archbishop Vigano interview on Fatima and Vatican 2
Open Letter to Confused Catholics
All priests/deacons and Catholics should have this information.

We are all called to learn the truth. Our souls may depend on it.
The Internet has many Good Catholic Resources.

False Prophets and End Times/ homily
The 7 Spiritual Works of Mercy

Catechism Lessons
Other free pamphlets to read Online

read online
Catechism on the Council of Trent (read online}

The True Catechism

How do we turn things around and bring back the Reverence we once had in God's house?
How do we help more people get to heaven?
First we should educate ourselves.
Second we should get involved. We should make our voices heard.
Jesus calls all of us to be his disciples.

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